Wheel Opto Reader for Master Control Panel 5500 6500



New optical reader element (component designator 12PE1) for the following Bang & Olufsen models:

Master Control Panel 5500 (MCP5500)
Master Control Panel 6500 (MCP6500)
(Table remote controls for Beomaster 5500, Beomaster 6500 and Beomaster 7000).

This is an original Siemens SFH 900-2 component.

A bad opto reader causes the volume and tone control setting wheel to fail. Typical symptom of a failed opto is that the MCP lights up when the wheel is rotated, but settings can not be changed because pulses from the wheels rotation are not detected.
(The same symptom can be seen if dust has accumulated in the opto area and/or on the wheel pattern, – visible and cleanable inside the MCP by taking out the main circuit board).

Note: If the MCP fails to light up when the wheel is rotated, the problem is often dirty switch contacts at the wheel (or bad batteries).

This is a direct replacement for the original Bang & Olufsen part but, because of component tolerances, a slightly higher supply current for the new opto component may be necessary. In order to achieve this, the nearby resistor R22 (390 Ohm) is to be paralleled (bridged) by another 390 Ohm resistor (will be delivered included with the new opto component).


Additional information

Weight 0,01 kg